Flexible financing solutions with a partnership approach

We  unlock value for our investors, companies and communities

Investment strategy

Every corporate is different, and so is our approach.

We create a tailored solution for each potential borrower instead of offering a standard off-the-shelf product. Our finance is mainly stand-alone, and we always ensure the structure aligns us with you. We provide you with speed of execution, an early-on in principle approval and the utmost flexibility towards your projects. We do not ask for an equity component, so you remain firmly in control.

We can provide a solution to smooth out the cash requirements growing businesses face. For example, our debt can be structured as balloon or bullet repayments, when appropriate, allowing you to grow your business before repaying debt. We can also offer you the expertise you can draw upon to grow your human capital, but only if you want to use it.

How we can help…

ACP investment strategy

Our Products

We are focused on providing senior secured debt solutions to SMEs and mid-market businesses in the fast-growing Central European region. We strive to be a long-term, supportive partner to expansive borrowers and support them with flexible funding solutions for organic growth measures and acquisitions. While we offer bespoke credit solutions to each business, a few elements remain always in place.


First ranking seniority to provide structural protection


Financial covenants to limit downside risk


Cash coupons as compensation for risk


Typically amortisation over loan life but flexibility to structure bullet payments


Flexibilty to provide financing up to 7 years

Investment Process

We deploy a multistep process to ensure an efficient transaction completion while maintaining a high standard of quality over the investment evaluation.


We are firm believers in adding value. The sectors we cover are therefore a combination of where best opportunities are in our view, but equally importantly, where our industry knowledge and deal experience reside.


Our team has substantial experience in deals concluded in these sectors, and at AMC level, we have and continue to support: the growth of the sector via transactions such as Norican or PetStar.


Our focus and expertise in the sector have resulted in several transactions, such as Euromedic, Horizon, Amethyst.

Consumer Goods

Consumer goods is one of our key focus areas. Our team has extensive experience in the sector across the CE region. ACP has also continuously invested in the sector, with transactions such as Bella in Bulgaria or Profi in Poland.

Business Services

We are looking for leaders with proven business model and track record who we can partner with to grow into regional players.

Information Technology

A key sector traditionally skirted by traditional lenders in medium term financing, this is a core area of expertise of our team. Proven technologies and market leaders are our preferred partners, whom we can finance the next stage of their growth. Situated at the intersection of IT, Infrastracture and TMT, AMC’s investment ATM SA is an example of previous investments.

Financial Services

Our team has outstanding understanding of the different subsectors dynamically shaping up the financial services industry. At a wider ACP level, we have supported regional leaders such as personal finance company Mogo or the insurer Euroins.

ACP Credit’s sustainable philosophy

Sustainability-related Disclosures

If you want to talk to us about anything please contact us

Radana Cheret

Head of ESG
